Language Reference
MKPABS | Sets the current active marker to the bucket requested even in delta marker |
| mode. |
Item | Description |
Range | 0 to 2047 |
100 OUTPUT 723;"MKPABS 431;"
The MKPABS command sets a marker to an absolute bucket. If the value is larger than the current trace length, the marker will be placed on the last trace point. For example, if the trace length was 800, and the value sent was 2000, no error would occur, but the marker would appear on bucket number 799, not number 2000.
If the value is set to a bucket number that is beyond what the optical spectrum analyzer is capable of displaying (not what it is currently displaying) a \Parameter out of range" error occurs.
The query returns the absolute wavelength. Use the MKD command to set a marker relative to the reference marker.