Language Reference
Only for use with HP 71451B Option 003, Swept Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) Kit.
Example | 240 OUTPUT 723;"PDLSCALE;" | Perform |
Description The PDLSCALE command automatically scales the displayed signal during a polarization dependent loss (PDL) measurement.
Prior to initializing the PDL measurement, the PDLSCALE command positions the peak of trace A to the reference level and selects the scaling (that is, dB/division) based upon the minimum signal level of trace A.
After the PDLINIT command is executed, the PDLSCALE command positions the peak of trace B (that is, the
After the PDLCALC command is used, the PDLSCALE command positions the peak of trace A as a result of trace B minus trace C by selecting the maximum dB/division which keeps the maximum signal below the top graticule.