Language Reference



Position active marker according to wavelength, or return the marker








600 nm to 1700 nm



10 OUTPUT 723;"MKWL 750NM;"

For wavelength spans greater than zero, the MKWL command returns the wavelength of the active marker. MKWL can also return the wavelength di￿erence between the reference and delta marker when the relative-marker mode has been activated by the MKD command.

For wavelength spans equal to zero, MKWL sends the marker position in terms of time. As a prede￿ned variable, MKWL represents either the wavelength or the time position of the active marker and can be very useful during math operations and data analysis. The marker readout and queried information varies depending on span and the marker-readout setting selected by the MKREAD command.

MKWL can also be used to position the active marker on the trace in terms of time or wavelength. If the active marker is not displayed, MKWL places it on the trace at the speci￿ed wavelength. If the position of the marker is not speci￿ed, MKWL places it at the center of the trace. If more than one trace is
