Language Reference


See Also

Query Response

1.LIMILINE clears the limit-line table, prepares it for data entry, and speci￿es the number of segments in a limit line.

2.LIMIHALF speci￿es whether the limit line is an upper or lower limit-line.

3.LIMISEG de￿nes the amplitude and wavelength characteristics of each of the limit-line segments.

4.LIMIREL determines whether the values of the limit line are absolute values or positioned relative to the reference-level and center-wavelength settings.

The contents of the limit-line table can be stored in a ￿le with the LIMISAV or STOR command.

When the LIMILINE command is executed, the user-de￿ned trace arrays, called LIMIT LO and LIMIT HI, are stored in internal memory. These arrays each contain a trace that re￿ects the contents of the limit-line table.

Execute LIMILINE? to send the contents of the limit-line table to a computer.


The query response is a character string consisting of LIMILINE, LIMIREL, LIMIHALF, and LIMISEG commands, which restore the limit-line table.
