Language Reference


Query the amplitude of the current marker.



Amplitude Range

6 300 dB

Example Query amplitude of signal at marker.

40OUTPUT 723;"SNGLS;" Activate single-sweep mode .

50 OUTPUT 723;"TS;"

Sweep trace A.

60OUTPUT 723;"MKN;" Display a marker at the center of the trace.

70OUTPUT 723;"MKA?;" Send marker amplitude to computer .

Description In marker normal mode, the MKA? query places the marker at the center wavelength (CENTERWL) speci￿ed. If an active marker is not displayed when

you send this command, the marker is placed at the speci￿ed amplitude. If more than one trace is displayed, MKA marks the currently active trace. If more than one trace is active, MKA marks the traces in the sequence order of A, B, then C, unless the MKTRACE command speci￿es otherwise.

When the vertical scale is in logarithmic mode, the amplitude units are in dBm; in linear mode, the amplitude units are in watts (W, MW, or ￿W).
