Language Reference


Description The ONEOS command executes the algorithm in the data ￿eld when the sweep, trace processing, and other internal end-of-sweep functions are

completed. The ONEOS algorithm is user-de￿ned and consists of other analyzer commands, much like the user-de￿ned functions created with the FUNCDEF command. The algorithm is stored in internal memory. Each time the sweep is completed, the algorithm is executed. The end-of-sweep status bit in the status byte is not set until the on-end-of-sweep algorithm is completed. DISPOSE ONEOS and FORMAT deletes the on-end-of-sweep algorithm from internal memory. The command parameters are as follows:

￿ ONEOS ON or ONEOS 1 activates the algorithm.

Query Response

See Also

￿ONEOS OFF, ONEOS 0, or IP deactivates the algorithm. (Executing CLEAR 723 also deactivates the algorithm.)

￿ONEOS? queries the algorithm de￿nition to the computer.

PAUSE, DEBUG, ABORT, RETURN, DISPOSE, FORMAT, PROTECT and sweep-controlling commands, such as TS, SNGLS, CONTS, TM, VTL, VTH
