Language Reference
Description The ONEOS command executes the algorithm in the data eld when the sweep, trace processing, and other internal end-of-sweep functions are
completed. The ONEOS algorithm is user-dened and consists of other analyzer commands, much like the user-dened functions created with the FUNCDEF command. The algorithm is stored in internal memory. Each time the sweep is completed, the algorithm is executed. The end-of-sweep status bit in the status byte is not set until the on-end-of-sweep algorithm is completed. DISPOSE ONEOS and FORMAT deletes the on-end-of-sweep algorithm from internal memory. The command parameters are as follows:
ONEOS ON or ONEOS 1 activates the algorithm.
ONEOS OFF, ONEOS 0, or IP deactivates the algorithm. (Executing CLEAR 723 also deactivates the algorithm.)
ONEOS? queries the algorithm denition to the computer.
PAUSE, DEBUG, ABORT, RETURN, DISPOSE, FORMAT, PROTECT and sweep-controlling commands, such as TS, SNGLS, CONTS, TM, VTL, VTH