Language Reference
ERASE | Erase all memory, including internal memory and reserved memory, serial |
| numbers, correction factors, and all analyzer settings. |
Example | 10 OUTPUT 723;"ERASE;" | Erase all memory, except factory calibration data |
| stored in ROM. |
Description The ERASE command erases all memory, except factory calibration data stored in ROM. ERASE destroys any stored conditions that may explain faulty
operation and aid in troubleshooting. The information that is erased is listed below:
Memory data protected by the PSTATE or PROTECT command.
The contents of internal memory. Internal memory contains
The contents of reserved memory. Reserved memory contains
The contents of the input buer holding unexecuted commands (including any commands immediately following ERASE).
ERASE also sets the predened variable, NSTATE, equal to 2.
Use ERASE for security applications to destroy all previous instrument history.
After executing ERASE, (1) cycle power, or (2) press the 4INSTR5 key; or (3)
press 4DISPLAY5, NNEXTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNINSTRNNNNNNNNNNN.The ERASE command does not aect memory external to the spectrum analyzer, such as memory in the display, memory card, or