Language Reference
Query the catalog of internal memory in a condensed format.
150 OUTPUT 723;"CATALOG?;"
The CATALOG command queries the catalog of internal memory in a condensed format as follows:
0917504,0914480 | total mem, avail mem | |
CONFIG,CONFIG,0005992 | lename ,letype ,lesize | |
| |
FOO,FUNC | 00011 |
FRED,VAR | 00008 |
Name and letype are restricted to a maximum number of 15 characters; otherwise, both elds are truncated. If the le size exceeds 99,999 bytes, the size is returned in kilobytes, indicated with a \K" sux. Filetypes are categorized as listed below:
CONFIG | internal conguration data space |
LARGEST | largest contiguous data space available |
FUNC | FUNCDEF storage area |
VAR | VARDEF storage area |
ASCII | data storage area for instrument states, stored traces A, B, or C, |
| stored user keys, and data stored to a memory card. |
PROG | HP generated personality or program |
APROG | HP generated active function |