Language Reference
Cataloging MSI
To catalog the contents of the memory selected by the MSI command, refer to the DSPTEXT CAT? command.
When system DEBUG ON is active, the format is modied to give more information on actual le status. With DEBUG ON the output is as follows:
0917504,0914480 CONFIG,CONFIG, 0005992 LARGEST,LARGEST,0911438
,AG 00042
FOO,G 000040
FRED,G 000056
The output format of all
The <lename> is the name of one of the les listed above. The <le status> is one or more of the letters listed in the List of <le status> Letter Descriptions.
List of <le status> Letter Descriptions
Aindicates the memory block that is available.
Dindicates the memory block that is disposed. If the block is in use, it is marked and disposed of as soon as it is no longer in use.
Gindicates a valid memory block (one that is a real block with valid data).
Pindicates the memory block is protected. The user has protected the block to prevent its being disposed. If memory is formatted or erased, these blocks are removed.
*indicates the memory block is in use. Either an HP generated function is using the block, or a downloadable program (DLP) is currently being executed.