Language Reference
DSPTEXT | Query catalog of user memory contents; |
| |
| revision numbers. |
Example | 10 OUTPUT 723;"DSPTEXT CAT?;" | Query listing of contents of currently selected |
| user memory. |
Description The DSPTEXT command sends
the computer. The information sent duplicates the information displayed on the analyzer display with the DSPMODE command or the NcatalogNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN&NNNNNNMSINNNNNNNNNN
key. Each line of data is sent as one record separated by a line feed.
DSPTEXT CAT? sends the contents of the currently selected user memory. Listed are any
CAT. Internal memory is the storage device when power is applied to the spectrum analyzer.
DSPTEXT CONFIG? sends the placement of the optical spectrum analyzer module in the system by its
DSPTEXT STATE? sends the current state of the