Language Reference


Description The MDS command determines if binary data is transmitted as one byte or one word (two 8-bit bytes). In addition, MDS speci￿es the number of

signi￿cant digits contained in the binary data. Use MDS to improve speed and economize on storage space in memory. Better throughput (speed) is achieved with MDS B, at the sacri￿ce of resolution and thus accuracy. During normal operation, trace data is provided in decimal form. Use MDS when the TDF command speci￿es trace data as binary data. MDS also determines the format of data the spectrum analyzer receives from the computer. MDS B multiplies each byte of data received by 2 raised to the power of the scaling factor.

MDS B divides each byte of data sent by 2 raised to the power of the scaling factor. In the example below, the number 16 is processed with a scaling factor of 3. (Number 16 represents the amplitude of a trace data point.)

Input Data

Output Data

0001 0000 2 23 = 1000 0000

0001 0000 4 23 = 0000 0010

A scaling factor of 8 provides adequate resolution for most measurement applications. When a scaling factor of 8 is used, trace data from 0 to 255 is sent as 0. Trace data from 256 to 511 is sent as 1 (0000 0001). Trace data from 512 to 767 is sent as 2 (0000 0010), and so on.

If the trace is in linear units, the range is 0 to 10,000. For linear mode, a scaling factor of 6 is more appropriate (returning values from 0 to 156 for trace data).

In standard 10 dB log mode, values range from 032,768 to +32,767. A scaling factor of 8 o￿ers coverage of the full range (measurement units are hundredths of a dB). However, if it is known that the signal will not exceed 6156 dB, a scaling factor of 7 is more appropriate. The scaling factor of 7 preserves more resolution and accuracy. For a scaling factor of 7 in log mode, the minimum resolution is 1.28 dB. A scaling factor of 8 provides 2.56 dB resolution.
