Language Reference
MKAR | MKAR activates marker #3 and positions it on a trace relative to the |
| amplitude of marker #1. |
Item | | Description |
Marker-Amplitude Range | 6 300 | dBm |
Step Increment | 1 major | scale division |
Preset State | MKAR | 0 |
40 | OUTPUT 723;"CENTERWL 1000NM;SP 500NM;TS;" | Set measurement range. Sweep the analyzer. |
50 | OUTPUT | 723;"MKPK HI;" | Set marker at highest signal peak. |
60 | OUTPUT | 723;"MKAR -3DB;" | Set amplitude-right marker 3 dB below reference marker . |
Description The MKAR command makes marker #1 a reference marker and marker #3 an active amplitude-right marker. The MKAR command also activates
the relative-marker mode, which displays two markers and calculates the wavelength and amplitude dierence between them. When this mode is active, the MKA and MKAR commands specify the amplitude dierence between the amplitude-right and reference markers. If the vertical scale of the display is logarithmic, the dierence between the markers is in decibel units. If the vertical scale is linear, the dierence between the markers is a power ratio. In the syntax diagrams, X represents the ratio of the marker amplitudes.