

User login id

Enter the remote user's ID. If a NAC is used, this is the NAC




To configure the network address in ipx's Ethernet Confi-


guration Parameters, enter the actual IPX network number


(18 digits in hexadecimal) of the LCS60. To configure the


network address in ipx's Virtual (PPP) Interface Configura-


tion Parameters, enter the virtual IPX network number. For


example, in Figure 3-1, morse's actual IPX network number


is 1562 and its virtual IPX network is 57.

Frame Type

Enter the type of framing; ethernet, 802.2, 802.3 or snap used


in the IPX network.

TCP-to-Asynchronous Gateway Services (srvports)


The NOHUP feature keeps a telnet session active after the vir-


tual circuit is disconnected. The benefit is automatic reconnec-


tion into the data switch network. Enter y to keep the session up


when the data switch is disconnected; this will force the LCS60


to attempt to re-establish the connection when the data switch is




2WAY works in conjunction with NOHUP. With 2WAY enabled,


the telnet user will be prompted to enter the Return key


before automatic reconnection into the data switch network.


Enter y if you want the LCS60 to wait for the user to press the


Return key before it attempts to re-establish the connection.

enable SID

The SID feature works in conjunction with NOHUP. SID allows


the LAN user to automatically pass back through a security


server without having to re-authenticate. The period of time that


this automatic bypass stays active is dependent on the security


server administrator. Enter y to enable this feature only if the


service port is defined to establish telnet service to a NAC Secu-


rity Server. This feature allows the LCS60 to recognize author-


ized users within a pre-determined time span (generally hours)


and to bypass reauthorization for these users. Enter other if the


endpoint is not a NAC Security Server with the SID feature con-


figured or if you do not wish to bypass reauthorization.


Issue 3