Outgoing Call Error Messages

Error Messages

Receive window too small

The call could not be completed because the receive window size is too small.

Remote node not answering

A connection cannot be completed because a data switch trunk or com- mon data switch control computer database somewhere in the network path is inoperable.

Server already exists

This host attempted to set up a CommKit Host Interface server, but the data switch control computer database already knows a server by that name.

Server not answering

The requested server name is not in service. No interface hardware is assigned to the requested name. The interface hardware assigned to the requested name is not in service or is not operational. The remote server may not answer for reasons of its own.

Service mismatch

The service on the SIM did not match the request.

SIM all channels busy

All assigned ports/channels on the SIM are in use.

SIM bad contact

The call could not be completed due to SIM resource congestion.

SIM no access

The call was denied by the remote side.

SIM no contact

The SIM rejected the call.

Splice completed

The connection endpoints were successfully spliced together.


Issue 3

Page 300
Image 300
HP LCS60 Receive window too small, Remote node not answering, Server already exists, Server not answering, SIM bad contact