eight Toggle eight-bit mode. When disabled (default), the high order bit is stripped on each byte to ensure transmission of valid seven-bit characters. When enabled, telnet will not strip the high-order bit, facilitating communi- cation with hosts using an 8-bit character set such as the European or Asian character set. The -8command line option also enables 8-bit mode.

escape c

Change the telnet escape character to the given c. The default escape char- acter is the tilde (˜). Control characters should be specified as ˆ followed by a single letter; for example, control-X is ˆX. The -ecommand line option also changes the escape character.

help [command]


Display a list of telnet commands (no arguments), or a description of the specified command.


Toggle line mode. When disabled (default), each character is transmitted as it is entered. When enabled, the local host will buffer all characters until a carriage-return/line-feed sequence is entered, at which time the entire line is transmitted.


Toggle the local echo mode. When disabled (default), the remote TELNET server echoes input. When enabled, the local tty driver echoes characters as they are input.

negotiate [command option]

Negotiate TELNET options over an open connection. The options negotia- tions follow the loop-preventing rules defined in the RFC 854 specifica- tions. For a detailed description of the options, see the TELNET specifica- tions (RFC 854-861). When command and option are specified, telnet will negotiate that option and return to the command or input mode prompt.

When command and option are omitted, telnet will enter negotiate mode, as indicated by the negotiate> prompt. To negotiate an option in this mode, enter command option at the prompt. To return to command or input mode from negotiate mode, enter a carriage return at the negotiate> prompt.

The negotiate commands are:

?list the commands and options that can be negotiated

DO request the remote server to start performing the option


request the remote server to stop performing the option


inform the remote server that you will start performing the option


Issue 3

Page 362
Image 362
HP LCS60 manual Escape c, Help command ? command, Linemode, Localecho, Negotiate command option