ifstat - displays interface statistics


ifstat [-adfstz][-linterval] [config file [cntrlr num]]


ifstat provides a common, configurable platform for the display of driver-specific interface statistics gathered by the supported drivers. ifstat displays statistics to stdout in the format dictated by the configuration file, config file [see ifstat.conf(4)]. The user may specify config file on the command line or let ifstat choose the configuration file. ifstat chooses a configuration file by requesting a list of supported interfaces from ip. ifstat picks the first interface for which a configuration file exists in the directory /etc/ifstat.conf. The caller may specify config file as an absolute path or a relative path. If the path is relative (does not start with a "/"), ifstat looks for config file relative to /etc/ifstat.conf. If not found, ifstat next looks for con- fig file relative to the current working directory. ifstat fails if it cannot find a valid configuration file.

If config file is specified, the caller may also issue a controller number, cntrlr num, on the command line. The controller number defaults to 0 if unspecified. The controller number is either appended to the special device file name found in con- fig file or ignored depending on the action specified in config file [see ifstat.conf(4)]. For instance, the config file m376 tells ifstat to append the controller number to the device name. A user issuing the command ifstat m376 would, by default, get statistics from the MVME376 driver for controller 0. The command ifstat m376 1 would get statistics from controller 1.

The maximum length of the config file parameter is 128 characters. The maximum length of the cntrlr num parameter is 8 characters.

The caller may issue the following options on the ifstat command line:

-aAll statistics. Display all possible statistics for the requested driver. ifstat simply looks for the all version of the config file specified on the command line (or the config file ifstat found if none are specified). The resulting display typically exceeds the screen length, so this option should not normally be used with the -foption.

-dDifference counts. Display the differences between the current stats and the previous stats during each display iteration. This option is used in conjunction with -f. Certain tagged statistics in the config file are unaffected by this option, i.e., they are not counters and therefore, always show the same value.

-fForever option. Cumulative statistics displayed every five seconds until the user sends an interrupt signal to the program If the screen becomes garbled, the user may send a quit signal to the program, and ifstat will clear the screen on the next display iteration. See stty(1) for a discussion on setting the interrupt (intr) and quit (quit) control characters.

Issue 3
