1.Establish a call with an outside party.
2.Place the outside caller on hold and dial the number of the other outside party. If you don’t have ‘Direct Line Access’ enabled at your extension, dial ‘9’ or another Hunt Group before dialing the second phone number.
3.When the call is answered, press ‘recall’ ‘6‘ to establish the
The second method uses the telephone company’s
1.Establish a call with an outside party.
2.Press ‘recall’ 80 to place the outside caller on hold and dial the number of the other outside party.
3.When the call is answered, press ‘recall’ 80 to establish the
3.2.9 Making and receiving calls using VoIP
TalkSwitch models with VoIP trunks support
Other calls are made over VoIP by dialing hunt group 88 (activate voip numbers in this hunt group first). Dialing ‘88’ at the internal dial tone tells TalkSwitch to hunt all voip numbers for an available line. In order to reach a remote location, a VoIP phone number has to be assigned to the VoIP number you intend to call.
Example: You have 3 branch locations (New York, Miami, San Jose), all with VoIP enabled TalkSwitch units.
Location 1: New York
Phone numbers assigned to 4 VoIP numbers:
Location 2: Miami
Phone numbers assigned to 4 VoIP numbers:
Location 3: San Jose
Phone numbers assigned to 4 VoIP numbers:
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