4.Set the bits per second to 57600. All other values may be left at their defaults, then click OK.
5.Click on Transfer -> Capture Text...
6.Select the appropriate directory and filename to save the data. Click Start.
Note: It is recommended to stop the capturing of text periodically and restart saving it to a new file. This allows easier viewing and analyzing of information.
The data can be viewed either through the web interface or downloaded and opened into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) as a delimited text file. The log is broken up into various columns:
1. | Call Type | 5. | Time | 9. | Name from |
2. | Log Number | 6. | Event Duration |
| Caller ID |
3. | Event Counter | 7. | Connection | 10. | Line |
4. | Date | 8. | Phone Number | 11. Account Number |
C A L L D E T A I L R E C O R D L O G G I N G | 1 1 5 |