In the “Phone numbers” section
Click on Activate Line to enable the telephone line port. Enter the normal telephone number for the telephone line as the Main Number.
If your are using a Distinctive Ringing service for alternative telephone numbers from your telephone service provider check either Distinctive Ring 1 or Distinctive Ring 2 as required and enter the matching telephone numbers. When incoming calls are detected with these distinctive ringing patterns they will be handled as separate telephone lines and can be setup with different call handling (e.g. routed to a FAX machine at specific extension).
The distinctive ringing patterns are as follows:
Distinctive Ring 1 Two ring bursts per cycle of ringing (where normal ringing is a single ring burst per cycle); OR a single ring burst per cycle of ringing (where normal ringing is two ring bursts per cycle of ringing)
Distinctive Ring 2 Three ring bursts per cycle of ringing
In the “Telephone company services” section
Select any of the telephone company services that have been activated on the telephone line. See Appendix B for details of compatibility with telephone company services.
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