disconnected, LAN failure etc.). In this event, all units can still answer inbound calls with the same Auto Attendant messages).


All Local Extension and Remote Extension Voicemail data is stored on the unit where the extensions normally reside. For example, all greetings, directory names and voicemail messages for extensions 121-128, 221-228 and mailboxes 420-429 are stored on the TalkSwitch with Unit ID 2. If a unit is completely filled with voicemail messages, new messages will not be stored on other units. The system will simply not accept anymore messages for mailboxes belonging to that unit. If you need more memory, TalkSwitch Memory Cards can be purchased from your reseller. You can also use the Voicemail Memory Manager to view the memory usage of each TalkSwitch unit and each mailbox.

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T A L K S W I T C H U S E R GU I D E • U K & I RE L A N D

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Talkswitch CT.TS005.001101.UK manual Voicemail