Centrex Transfer
This is a Centrex service offered by a few telephone companies, whereby on releasing a
Application Notes – Telephone Company Services
Remote Extensions – TalkSwitch Remote Extension feature is designed to work with major local telephone and mobile service providers. The feature may not function correctly with some telephone companies and mobile operators, especially international telephone numbers and mobile phones when roaming internationally. When configuring remote extensions to PSTN telephone numbers it is recommended that they are tested, when the remote extension is idle, busy and does not answer.
Prompted Ring Back – This is a telephone company feature which, when the called line is busy, provides the caller with an announcement offering a Call Back when the called line is free. This telephone company feature is not compatible with Remote Extensions. It is recommended that the remote extension’s telephone company is requested to disable Prompted Ring Backs on the remote extensions telephone line.
Colour Me Tones – This is a feature offered by some telephone and mobile operators where Ringing Tone is replaced by the subscriber’s choice of music or an announcement. It is recommended that this service is not used on Remote Extensions
Telephone company calling feature names may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.
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