Subnet Mask:
Enter the subnet mask for the LAN. If you have a DHCP server running, this information is obtained automatically.
Default Gateway:
Enter the IP address of the gateway on your network. A gateway is a hardware device (i. e. router/NAT) that connects the office network to the Internet. The gateway allows you to share a DSL, cable modem or other Internet connections with all of the computers and IP devices in your office network.
Preferred DNS Server:
Enter the preferred DNS server’s IP address. This is also known as the primary DNS server. DNS is a Service that maintains information about a portion of the Domain Name System (DNS) database and responds to DNS queries for determining an IP address resolved from a Domain Name. For more information about DNS, see Chapter 5: VoIP Information.
Alternate DNS Server:
Enter the alternate DNS server’s IP address if applicable. This is also known as the secondary DNS server.
Public WAN IP Address (see previous section) Configuration
This section deals with configuring your TalkSwitch for VoIP.
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