The TalkSwitch firmware version number of each unit is in the System information window. In the TalkSwitch Configuration start window, click the link ‘View System Information’.
Step #2 — Download new software and firmware
When you select and click on the appropriate version for download, a screen displays asking you what you would like to name the file you are about to download and in where (folder/directory) you would like to save it. We suggest leaving the file name as it is (e.g. install.exe) and saving it on your Desktop. Once the download is complete, begin your upgrade by double clicking on the install file or using the ‘Run’ option on your Windows ‘Start’ menu. A series of windows guide you through the installation process.
This process updates your configuration software to a newer version. You still need to update the firmware to take advantage of new features. The new firmware file is placed in the TalkSwitch directory after running the install program.
Step #3 — Updating the firmware
The last step is to update the firmware. Follow the instructions on the website to perform the update.
The update time varies depending on the connection type, how many files are needed and how many units are updated. On average the process takes between 1 and 5 minutes. The LED lights on the TalkSwitch’s front panel show diagnostic indicators for the update.
When the update is completed, you are prompted to reboot TalkSwitch. In the dialogue box, click the ‘Proceed‘ button.
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