Note: If you have Direct Line Access enabled at your Local Extension, then you must first press ‘recall’ before using most of the functions listed.
Digit dialed | Function performed |
0 | User Defined — An Extension, Ring Group, Auto |
| Attendant, Voice mailbox, Announcement or per- |
| form no action. |
Dials Local Extensions. x represents the Unit ID | |
number. | |
Dials Remote Extensions associated with an exter- | |
| nal phone number. x represents the Unit ID num- |
| ber |
Speed dial for VoIP calls. TalkSwitch will hunt the | |
| VoIP ports, go off hook, then dial the digits |
| entered. |
Dials Extension Ring Groups — 10 in total for the | |
| entire |
| system. Mapped to Local Extension(s), with spe- |
| cific fall through options. |
1,2,3,4,5 | User Defined — An extension, Ring Group, Auto |
| Attendant, Voice mailbox, Announcement or Per- |
| form no action. |
6 | Enters Call Back configuration. |
7(xxx...) | PBX Transfer — A recall hook transfer with dis- |
| connect after dialed. Usually used only in systems |
| connected to another PBX. |
“Line Hunt Group access code for DISA for — | |
| password protected at the Auto Attendant. |
80 | DISA using Same Line Connect. Requires |
| Calling/Conference on the line. |
A P P E N D I X C | 1 4 5 |