Reference Priority Selection | Release (brake) After Run Timer |
Reference Priority Selection
Program Frequency Settings Reference Priority Reference
The Freq Mode⇒#1 or Freq Mode #2⇒setting specifies the source⇒of the input
Priority Selection
Either the Frequency Mode (#1) or the Frequency Mode #2 setting may control the output frequency of the ASD. This parameter determines which of the two will control the output frequency and the conditions in which control will be switched from one to the other.
Freq Source #1
Freq Source #2
Freq #1 Priority
Freq #2 Priority
Freq Prty Switch
If Freq Source #1 is selected here, the ASD will follow the speed command of the Freq Mode #1 selection. If Freq Source #2 is selected here, the ASD will follow the speed command of the Freq Mode #2 selection.
The Freq #1 Priority and Freq #2 Priority selections are used in conjunction with the Mode #1/#2 SW (Switching) Freq parameter setting. The Mode #1/ #2 SW (Switching) Freq parameter establishes a threshold frequency that will be used as a reference when determining when to toggle the output control between the Frequency Mode (#1) selection and the Frequency Mode #2 selection.
If Freq #1 Priority is selected here and the commanded frequency exceeds the Mode #1/#2 SW (Switching) Freq setting, then the Freq Mode #1 selection has priority over the Freq Mode #2 selection.
If Freq #2 Priority is selected here and the commanded frequency exceeds the Mode #1/#2 SW (Switching) Freq setting, then the Freq Mode #2 selection has priority over the Freq Mode #1 selection.
Frequency Prty (Priority) Switch allows for the activation of a preconfigured discrete input terminal to toggle the frequency control between the selections of Freq Mode #1 and Freq Mode #2. Any unused programmable discrete input
terminal may be programmed as the Frequency Prty (Priority) Switch
Parameter Type — Selection List Factory Default — Freq #1 Priority Changeable During Run — Yes
Release (brake) After Run Timer
Program Protection Settings Release After Run TImer
This parameter⇒sets the time that the⇒brake will hold after the Run command criteria has been met.
W7 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds