Chapter 10: - Using the Support Tools Dashboard

Accessing the Dashboard and Privileges

How to Use the System Management Screen, page 75

Using the Select System Screen, page 77

How to End a Dashboard Session, page 78

Accessing the Dashboard and Privileges

Accessing the Dashboard

Users access the Dashboard via a URL (http://

<hostname_or_ip_address>:<support_tools_port>/1) entered in a browser window. Upon connecting, users must login by providing their Windows user name and password, or the user name and password of a privileged account.

Dashboard Privileges

The Support Tools Dashboard recognizes two categories of users:

Privileged users have full access to all Support Tools functionality, including tools and commands that can be used to modify system settings, registries, etc.

Regular users have limited access to information gathering functionality only. Tools capable of system modification are not available to regular Support Tools users.

This can be either a local group you define on the Support Tools Server machine or a domain group you define using Active Directory. During the Support Tools Server installation, you are prompted to enter the name of one (and only one) Windows user group that will serve as the Support Tools privileged group. Users in all other groups are treated as regular Support Tools users.

Using the Dashboard for the First Time

This topic describes some basic, important information on using the Support Tools Dashboard that all new users should be aware of.

Accessing Utilities in the Dashboard

All Support Tools utilities are accessed from the Support Tools menu. The menu groups utilities (with the exception of System Management which appears right under the main Support Tools heading) as:

Interactive Mode

Select System

1)The default support tools HTTP port is 8188.

Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)


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Cisco Systems 2.1(1) Accessing the Dashboard and Privileges, Using the Dashboard for the First Time, Dashboard Privileges