Chapter 13: - Using Cisco Common Tools

How to Use the CTITest Utility

Syntax: CTITest: login /? usage: agent_login ID PASSWORD [/periph N] [/ instrument N] [/reason N] [/position N] [/supervisor N] [/auctoIN] [/ manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ]

Based on the type and configuration of the ACD, you need to provide these parameters for a successful login. Once connected, you can change agent states, answer call, transfer call, make call, conference, etc. using CTITest.

Using CTITest - Logging In

Below is list of frequently used commands in CTITest:



agent_login (login)

ID PASSWORD [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/


position N] [/supervisor N] [/autoIN] [/manualIN] [/skill


N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

agent_logout (logout)

[/agentID ID] [/password] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/


reason N] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

agent_not_ready (not_ready)

[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill


N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

agent_ready (ready)

[/agentID ID] [/periph n] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/


autoIN] [/manualIN] [/skill N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

agent_work_not_ready (wrapup)

[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill


N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

agent_work_ready (callwork)

[/agentID ID] [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/reason N] [/skill


N[.pri] [/skill N[.pri]] ...]

answer_call (answer)

[/periph N] [/callid CALLID.DEVID] [/stack N] [/instrument




[/on] [/off]

clear_call (clear)

[/periph N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]

conference_call (conf)

[/periph N] [/active CALLID.DEVID] [/held CALLID.DEVID] [/


stack ACTIVE HELD] [/blind DN] [/placement TYPE] [/manner


TYPE] [/alertRings N] [/callopt TYPE] [/TG N] [/SG N] [/


authorize code] [/account code]

consult_call (cc)

DN [/periph N] [/instrument N] [/callid N.devid] [/stack N]


[/placement TYPE] [/manner TYPE] [/transfer] [/conference]

Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)


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Image 176
Cisco Systems 2.1(1) manual Below is list of frequently used commands in CTITest, Command Parameters, 162