Appendix J Troubleshooting
J.10.8 Connection Management Problems
Note For connection management, the Configuration Center communicates with the Connection Management Server process.
Note For network element management, the Configuration Center communicates with the Config Server process.
The Configuration Center's Connection tab is the main window for creating, modifying, and viewing network connections. The Connection tab content pane provides additional tabs for creating connections (Advanced Mode and Quick Mode tabs) and retrieving a list of existing connections (Connection tab).
The Configuration Center uses the CTM framework and workflow mechanism to launch applications and to create and display connection information.
•Connections can be selected in CTM applications, and the Configuration Center (Connection Tab) can be launched to view/modify the selected connection.
•Connections can be dragged and dropped from other application to the Configuration Center's Connection tab for modification.
The following sections describe guidelines for troubleshooting issues related to creating, modifying, and viewing network connection using the Configuration Center.
J. Connections
Step 1 Determine if the
The Connection tab supports connection management for the Node, Card, Line, and Port objects. The
•CMSCclient.log file from the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information; in particular, any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
J. Connections
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
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