
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
AppendixJ Troubleshooting
J.10.8 Connection Management Problems

such cases, the problem must be researched on the CM Server side. The CM Server troubleshooting

sections describe the steps required to further analyze the CM Server-related issues. See

J.10.8 Connection Management Problems, page J-83. In this section, the required validation and data

collection procedures related to the Configuration Center are presented.

J. Connection Creation, Modification, Deletion, and Retrieval Errors

When performing any connection creation, modification, deletion, and retrieval, the CM Server could

encounter an error and notify the Configuration Center by throwing an application exception error that

contains information describing the error. As a result, the Configuration Center displays the error

message. The following lists some CM Server-related exceptions.

DATABASE_ERROR:"Database error [%s]."
UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: "Program Error. Unknown Exception is caught in [%s]."
SUBSYSTEM_EXCEPTION:"Program Error. Subsystem exception [%s] caught in [%s]"
INTERNAL_ERROR: "Program or System Error. Function [%s] reports: [%s]"
CONNECTION_LOST: "Connection from host [%s] application [%s] lost during request."
UNKNOWN_PARAM_VALUE_TYPE: "Unknown parameter value type [%d] is processed in [%s]."
PARAM_TYPE_VALUE_MISMATCH: "Parameter value [%s] is does not match type [%d]"
VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE: "Value [%d] is outside of the valid [%d] - [%d] range"
NO_SUCH_CONNECTION_TYPE_ENUM: "No such connection type enum [%d]"
NO_SUCH_SERVICE_TYPE_ENUM: "No such service type enum [%d]"
NO_SUCH_ENDPOINT_TYPE_ENUM: "No such endpoint type enum [%d]"
NO_PORT_TABLE_INFO_FOR_CARD: "No port table information for card family [%d]"
NO_LINE_TABLE_INFO_FOR_CARD: "No line table information for card family [%d]"
FILTER_REQUIRED:"Filter [%s] is required"
UNEXPECTED_PARAMSET: "CM Server does not expect parameter set [%d]."
UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT: "CM Server does not support end point with card type [%s], vs[%s],
interface type [%s], node platform [%s], controller type [%s] for connection type [%s]
service type [%s], endtoend type [%s]."
UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_FOR_VISM: "Unsupported parameter setting on the [%s] end. CM Server
does not support [%s] + [%s] PVC's for VISM cards with firmware revision less than [%s]
and card mode set to [%s]."
PROTECTED_CONNECTION: "[%s] end of the connection is protected. Protected connections
cannot be deleted."
UNSUPPORTED_NODE_PLATFORM: "CM Server does not support node platform [%d]."
UNSUPPORTED_CONN_TYPE: "CM Server does not support Connection of type [%d]."
UNSUPPORTED_SERV_TYPE: "CM Server does not support Connection type [%s] , Service type
[%s] and Endtoend type [%s] between Card type [%s] and [%s]."
UNSUPPORTED_SERV_TYPE_ONE_END: "CM Server does not support Connection type [%s] , Service
type [%s] and Endtoend type [%s] on Card type [%s]."
UNSUPPORTED_CARD_PAIR: "Connection between card type [%s] and card type [%s] is not
NO_SUCH_NODE_ID_IN_DB: "Node id [%d] not found in table [node]."
NO_SUCH_NODE_NAME_IN_DB: "Node name [%s] not found in table [node]."
NO_SUCH_CARD_IN_DB: "Card : Node[%d], Slot[%d] not found in table [card]."
NO_SUCH_LOG_PORT_IN_DB: "Card : Node[%d], Slot[%d], LogPort[%d] (%d - in database), not
found in table [%s]."
NO_SUCH_PHY_PORT_IN_DB: "Card : Node[%d], Slot[%d], Line[%d], PhyPort[%d] (%d - in
database), not found in table [%s]."
NO_SUCH_LINE_IN_DB: "Card : Node[%d], Slot[%d], Line[%d] not found in table [%s]."
NO_SUCH_CONNECTION_IN_DB: "Connection [%s] not found in database"
UP_CONN_FAILED: "Upping Connection Failed. Test Result from switch [%s]"
DOWN_CONN_FAILED: "Downing Connection Failed. Test Result from switch [%s]"
NO_ONE_SEGMENT_HYBRID: "Cannot create one segment hybrid connection."
INCORRECT_LINE_SUBTYPE: "Incorrect Line SubType. Line: Node[%d],slot[%d],ifindex[%d] is
[%d] not [%d]."
INVALID_LINE_NUMBER: "func [%s]:Invalid Line Number(s)."
NO_CONTROLLER_IN_PORT: "node[%s] slot[%d] port[%d] does not have controller of type [%s]";
INVALID_FDN: "The given FDN format or value is invalid. [%s]"
INVALID_PORT: "Provisioning operations are not allowed on feeder trunk/routing trunk and
XLMI trunk ports. [%s]"