Appendix J Troubleshooting

J.2 Server Problems

Note This chapter assumes that the server is installed under the default /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer directory and the client is installed under the default /opt/CiscoTransportManagerClient (Solaris) or C:\Cisco\TransportManagerClient directory (Windows). If a directory other than the default installation directory is specified, replace the default path with the installed path.

J.2 Server Problems

This section describes troubleshooting procedures for CTM server-related problems.

Note Log in as the root user on the Solaris workstation where the CTM server is installed to perform any operations on the Solaris workstation.

J.2.1 Conditions that Affect CTM Server Performance

The “System Requirements” chapter in the Cisco Transport Manager Installation Guide lists server, CPU, CPU speed, disk space, and RAM requirements for different types of CTM installations. These requirements are derived from guidelines based on scalability simulation testing.

Actual CTM server performance varies for each customer and is affected by:

The total number of NEs actively managed by CTM

The number of NE-related services (including northbound services) running on the server

The rate of circuit provisioning and the methods used for provisioning

The rate of network growth (for example, adding 50 NEs to CTM at once)

The rate of configuration change updates received from the NEs

The number of circuits provisioned with no signals that generate threshold crossing alerts (TCAs)

The number of unacknowledged alarms in the CTM database

The rate of alarm bursts received from the NEs

The actual number of circuits provisioned in the CTM database

The following conditions might indicate that your CTM installation is near or at capacity:

Your daily CPU utilization is consistently above 80%

You experience loss of connectivity (LOC) to 1% to 5% of nodes at random

Your RAM usage is 100% or your system swaps frequently

You receive many configuration updates from the NEs

Your system experiences high Java garbage collection time

Note The Java garbage collection time is determined by engineering after analyzing your CPU utilization data.

Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide







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Cisco Systems 78-16845-01 appendix Server Problems, Conditions that Affect CTM Server Performance