Appendix J Troubleshooting

J.10.8 Connection Management Problems

ConnProxy—The SNMP Agent Interface for Connection Management.

CmServer—Provides the backend functionality to the Connection Management GUI.

Cmgrd—The backend module, which accepts requests from ConnProxy, CmsServer Clients and issues the SNMP VarBinds to the switch for addition, modification, and deletion. Subsequently, cmgrd informs sdbroker after an addition, modification, and deletion operation of the status of the particular request, upon which sdbroker updates the CTM database.

The following errors are applicable to all types of connections: PVC, SPVC, XPVC, and hybrid.

J. Cmgrd—Sdbroker Errors

During an addition request, cmgrd could return errors that it has received from sdbroker. The following are some of the most common errors seen when a provisioning request is issued.

J. Cmgrd—Sdbroker Addition/Modification/Deletion Errors: Adding a Connection Results in "Fail to Communicate with sDatabroker" Error

Related key index entries: cmgrd, sdbroker

When any Connection Add/Mod/Del request is made, cmgrd checks its ILOG connection with the sdbroker. This error will result when cmgrd could not verify that sdbroker is available for servicing requests. In other words the ILOG connection between them is broken.

The problem must be researched on the sdbroker side.

Step 1 Verify that the sdbroker is up and running. Execute psg sdbroker on the command line.

Step 2 View the sdbroker log for ILOG errors. There could be multiple sdbrokers running on the machine. To check which sdbroker cmgrd talked to for that particular request, do the following: the cmgrd.log file, and go to the end of the file. Then do a backward search for the string sdbroker. That string should indicate the number (#) of the sdbroker that cmgrd could not talk to.

b.Execute psg sdbroker and then check the corresponding log file of this sdbroker.

Defect Information—Collect the following:

Stack trace of the sdbroker process pstack <pid of sdbroker>

Sdbroker and cmgrd logs

Possible alternative workaround—None.

J. Cmgrd—Sdbroker Addition, Modification, and Deletion Errors: Provisioning a Connection Results in "sDatabroker process busy. Please retry" Error

Related key index entries: cmgrd, sdbroker

The error message states "sDatabroker process busy. Please retry." This indicates that the cmgrd command was able to process the request and sent it to the sdbroker, but the sdbroker did not respond prior to the cmgrd’s request timeout. However, between the cmgrd and sdbroker, the request appear to be working.

Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide





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Cisco Systems 78-16845-01 appendix Cmgrd-Sdbroker Errors