Appendix J Troubleshooting
J.10.7 Configuration Center Management
•Results in the Operation Not Supported message box
Step 1 Determine if the
The following objects can be dropped from the tree view to the content pane:
•For the Element tab, the Network, Node, Card, Line, Port, IMA, and IMA link objects are supported and Folder objects are not supported.
•For the Connection tab, the Node, Card, Line, and Port objects are supported and Folder, IMA, and IMA link objects are not supported.
•CMSCclient.log file from the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information, specifically any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file from the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file from the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
J. Cross Application—Configuration Center as Drag Source
As drag source, the
Step 1 Determine if the
Step 2 Determine if the target application supports the
•CMSCclient.log file from the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information, specifically any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file from the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file from the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
J. Cross
Configuration Center's Element tab content pane does one of the following:
•Fails to open an internal frame
•Fails to recycle the contents of an existing frame to display the dropped object's attributes
•Results in the Operation Not Supported message dialog box
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
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