Appendix J Troubleshooting
J.10.8 Connection Management Problems
Step 1 Determine if the
The Connection tab supports the
•CMSCclient.log file under the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information; in particular, any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
J. Connection List
The Details button fails to launch an internal frame to display the connection details for a retrieved connection.
Step 1 Check that the connection status is not in the Incomplete state.
Only connection in the OK and Fail states can be launched using the Details button on the Connection tab.
•CMSCclient.log file under the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information; in particular, any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
J. Advanced Mode
The Details button on the Advanced Mode tab fails to launch the Connection Details dialog box. Defect
•CMSCclient.log file under the D:\Documents and Settings\<username>\log directory.
•Java Console information; in particular, any
•Screen snapshots; in particular, error/information messages dialog boxes.
•Cmsvr.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
•Configserver.log file under the /opt/svplus/log directory.
Possible alternative
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
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