Appendix J Troubleshooting
J.10.8 Connection Management Problems
The reason for the error is that when cmgrd queries the svc_operation table for the feeder trunk port’s vpi and vci ranges, the entry is not found in the table.
Step 1 Reissue the hybrid connection add request but tail the cmgrd.log.
Step 2 In this log a query in the form of "SELECT MIN_SVCC_VPI, MAX_SVCC_VPI, MIN_SVCC_VCI,
MAX_SVCC_VCI FROM SVC_OPERATION WHE RE NODE_ID = X AND SLOT = X AND PORT + 1 = X" will be seen. This is the actual query that is failing.
Step 3 Run the query from the command line or dbaccess stratacom prompt to figure out which port’s information is not present in the svc_operation table. The reason could be that for that port the resource partition is not configured on the CLI. Go to the CLI and issue the command addpart for that port.
Step 4 After issuing the command addpart on the CLI, check the CTM table svc_operation database for the existence of the row. If the row is present the connection request can be reissued. If the row still is not present in the svc_operation then it is a probably an EM issue.
Possible alternative
Related key index entries: cmgrd, segment info
This error is returned by cmgrd when it cannot get a row from one of the CTM database tables for the current connection request. If the request is an add, then the query for the intermediate endpoints from either the node or the bis_object tables may have failed. If it is a Mod/Del then in addition to the failure of the queries into the node and bis_object tables, the problem could be that the connection is not found in the user_connection table.
In this error scenario there could be multiple reasons of failure that differ between add and modify/delete requests. But most of the time this error is returned if one of the queries to the node, bis_object, and user_connection tables fails for the current request. Some basic checks would be to see if the nodes in question and in the intermediate nodes are really synced up with CTM. You should also try the same request from both the CM GUI and Connection Proxy paths.
Because of the nature of this error it is best that a CTM DE investigate.
Possible alternative
J. Cmgrd—Switch Errors
During an addition, modification, or deletion request, cmgrd sends SNMP requests to the switch. When the switch rejects an SNMP request, cmgrd queries the Error MIB table and gets the error string to display.
Related key index entries: cmgrd, bad value
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