Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show tech-support
show tech-support
To display system and configuration information you can provide to the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center when reporting a problem, use the show tech-support command.
show tech-support [{module mod} | {port mod/port}] [vlan vlan] [mistp-instance instance]
[mst instance] [memory] [config]
Syntax Description
Defaults By default, this command displays the output for technical-support-related show commands. U se
keywords to specify the type of information to be displayed. If you do not spec ify any p ar amete rs, t he
system displays all configuration, memory, module, port, instance, and VLAN data.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines
Caution Avoid running multiple show tech-support commands on a switch or multiple switches on the network
segment. Doing so may cause spanning tree instability.
The show tech-support command may time out if the configuration file output takes longer to display
than the configured session timeout time. If this happens, enter a set logout timeout value of 0 to disab le
automatic disconnection of idle sessions or enter a longer timeout value.
The show tech-support command output is continuous; it does not display one screen a t a t ime . To
interrupt the output, press Ctrl-C.
If you specify the config keyword, the show tech-support command displays the output of these
show config
show flash
show log
module mod (Optional) Specifies the module number of the switch ports.
port mod/port (Optional) Specifies the module and port number of the switch ports.
vlan vlan (Optional) Specifies the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 4094.
instance (Optional) Specifies the MISTP instance number; valid values are from 1 to 16.
mst instance (Optional) Specifies the MST instance number; valid values are from 0 to 15.
memory (Optional) Displays memory and processor state data.
config (Optional) Displays switch configuration.