Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear qos policer
clear qos policer
To clear policing rules from NVRAM, use the clear qos policer command.
clear qos policer microflow microflow_name | all
clear qos policer aggregate aggregate_name | all
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default setting in systems configured with the Supervisor Engine 1 with Layer 3
Switching Engine (PFC); in systems configured with Supervisor Engine 2 with Layer 3 Switching
Engine II (PFC2), the default is to apply the given map to the normal rate only.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Po licing is the pro cess by which the switch li mits the bandwid th consumed b y a flo w of tra f f ic. Policing
can mark or drop traffic.
You cannot clear an entry that is currently being used in an ACE. You must first detach the ACEs from
the interface.
You cannot use the all keyword if a microflow rate limit is currently being used in an ACE.
The normal and excess keywords are supported on systems configured with the Supervisor Engine 2
with Layer 3 Switching Engine II (PFC2) only. With these keywords, you can specify a map for t h e
normal rate and one for the excess rate. Because this selection is optional in the CLI, the default
(unspecified) action is to apply the given map to the normal rate only.
Examples This example shows how to clear a specific microflow policing rule:
Console> (enable) clear qos policer microflow my_micro
my_micro QoS microflow policer cleared.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to clear all microflow policing rules:
Console> (enable) clear qos policer microflow all
All QoS microflow policers cleared.
Console> (enable)
microflow_name Specifies the name of the microflow policing rule.
aggregate_name Specifies the name of the aggregate policing rule.
all Clears all policing rules.