Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands show cdp
show cdpTo display Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information, use the show cdp command.
show cdp
show cdp neighbors [mod[/port]] [vlan | duplex | capabilities | detail]
show cdp neighbors exclude ip-phone
show cdp port [mod[/port]]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines The per-port output of the show cdp port command is not dis pla ye d if yo u gl oball y di s able CD P. If you
globally enable CDP, the per-port status is displayed.
If you enter the show cdp neighbors command for a device that supports earlier versions of CDP,
“unknown” is displayed in the VTP Management Domain, Native VLAN, and Duplex fields.
Examples This example shows how to display CDP information for the system:
Console> show cdp
CDP :enabled
Message Interval :60
Hold Time :180
neighbors Shows CDP information for Cisco products connected to the switch.
[mod[/port]] (Optional) Number of the module for which CDP information is displayed and
optionally, the number of the port for which CDP information is displayed.
vlan (Optional) Shows the native VLAN number for the neighboring Cisco products.
duplex (Optional) Shows the duplex type of the neighboring Cisco products.
capabilities (Optional) Shows the capability codes for the neighboring Cisco products; valid values
are R, T, B, S, H, I, and r (R= Router, T = Trans Bridge, B =Source Route Bridge,
S = Switch, H =Host, I =IGMP, and r =Repeater).
detail (Optional) Shows detailed information about neighboring Cisco products.
ip-phone Excludes IP phone information from the display of neighbo ri ng Ci sco pro duc ts.
port Shows CDP port settings.