Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show inventory
PID: WS-C6000-VTT , VID: , SN: SMT03461008
NAME: "2", DESCR: "1000BaseX Supervisor 2 port WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE Rev. 1.1"
PID: WS-X6K-SUP2-2GE , VID: , SN: SAD04450LF1
NAME: "submodule 2/1", DESCR: "L3 Switching Engine II"
NAME: "3", DESCR: "10/100BaseTX Ethernet 48 port WS-X6248-RJ-45 Rev. 1.0"
PID: WS-X6248-RJ-45 , VID: , SN: SAD03181468
NAME: "5", DESCR: "Switch Fabric Module 0 port WS-C6500-SFM Rev. 1.0"
PID: WS-C6500-SFM , VID: , SN: SAD04420JR5
NAME: "7", DESCR: "Network Analysis Module 2 port WS-X6380-NAM Rev. 0.201"
PID: WS-X6380-NAM , VID: , SN: JAB0343055Y
NAME: "8", DESCR: "1000BaseX Ethernet 8 port WS-X6408-GBIC Rev. 0.202"
PID: WS-X6408-GBIC , VID: , SN: SAD02430406
NAME: "PS 1", DESCR: "1300 watt supply AC"
PID: WS-CAC-1300W , VID: , SN: ACP03380477
NAME: "Fan 1", DESCR: "Fan 1"
Table 2 -39 describes the fields in the show inventory command output.
Table2-39 show inventory Command Output Fields
Field Description
NAME Physical name (text string) assigned to the Cisco entity. For example,
console or a simple component number (port or module n um be r), su ch a s
“1,” depending on the physical component naming synta x of th e device.
Equivalent to the entPhysicalName MIB variable in RFC 2737.
DESCR Physical description of the Cisco entity that characterizes the object.
Equivalent to the entPhysicalDesc MIB variable in RFC 2737.
PID Entity product identifier. Equivalent to the entPhysicalModelName MIB
variable in RFC 2737.
VID Entity version identifier. Equivalent to the entPhysicalHardwareRev MIB
variable in RFC 2737.
SN Entity serial number. Equivalent to the entPhysicalSerialNum MIB
variable in RFC 2737.