Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set multicast ratelimit
set multicast ratelimit
To configure multicast rate limiting, use the set multicast ratelimit command.
set multicast ratelimit {enable | disable}
set multicast ratelimit rate rate
Syntax Description
Defaults Multicast ratelimiting is disabled.
The default rate is 0 pps.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Bec ause the defa ult rate is 0, multic ast ra te limit ing is still operatio nally disab led even after entering the
set multicast ratelimit enable command. You must enter a non-zero rate to enable it.
Examples This example shows how to enable multicast ratelimiting:
Console> (enable) set multicast ratelimit enable
Enabling Multicast Ratelimiting
Set a non-zero threshold rate to operationally enable multicast ratelimiting
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the rate limit in pps:
Console> (enable) set multicast ratelimit rate 300
Multicast ratelimit watermark rate is set to 300 pps
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to disable multicast rate limiting:
Console> (enable) set multicast ratelimit disable
Multicast Ratelimiting already disabled
Console> (enable)
Related Commands sh ow multica st rate limit -info
enable Enables multicast rate limiting.
disable Disables multicast rate limiting.
rate rate Specifies the rate limit in packets per second (pps); valid values are from 0 to