Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set snmp inform
set snmp inform
To configure the handling of SNMP inform requests, use the set snmp inform command.
set snmp inform value
set snmp inform rcvr_address rcvr_community [port rcvr_port] [index rcvr_index]
Syntax Description
Defaults 100 SNMP inform requests are kept in the SNMP inform request queue.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines The switch can send notifications to SNMP managers when particular events occur. For example, an
SNMP agent switch might send a message to an SNMP manager when the agent switch experiences an
error condition.
SNMP notifications can be sent as traps or inform requests. Inform request s are mor e reliab le than traps
because the receiver sends a response when it gets an inform request. However, the receiver does not
send a response when it gets a trap. The switch discards the trap after it is sent.
With the SNMP inform request feature, the switch sends the inform request to the SNMP manager and
waits for a SNMP response PDU from the manager. If the switch never receives a response, it tries to
send the inform request again. To configure the period of time that the switch waits to re send the inform
request, use the set snmp targetaddr command. Use the set snmp targetaddr command to configure
how long the inform request stays in the queue before it times out.
Sending SNMP inform requests consumes more resources in the switch and in the ne twork than sending
SNMP traps. Unlike a trap, an inform request must be held in memory until a response is received or the
request times out.
If it is important that the SNMP manager receives every notification, use inform requests.
Setting the inform request queue size restricts the number of inform requests that stay in the inform
request queue. If you do not limit the size of the queue, the switch memory will be consumed quickly,
especially if the timeout value is too small, if the retry value is too large, and if the SNMP inform request
receiver is unreachable.
value Number of SNMP inform requests that are kept in the inform request queue;
valid values are from 25 to 65536.
rcvr_address IP address or IP alias of the SNMP host that will receive the SNMP inform
rcvr_community Community string that will receive the SNMP inform request.
port rcvr_port (Optional) Specifies the UDP port for the SNMP inform request.
index rcvr_index (Optional) Specifies the index for the SNMP inform request; valid values
are from 1 to 65535.