Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set mls cef maximum-routes
set mls cef maximum-routes
To set the maximum number of routes that can be programmed in the FIB TCAM for a protocol, use the set
mls cef maximum-routes command.
set mls cef maximum-routes {ip | ip-multicast} routes
Syntax Description
Defaults The routes argument is 0, which means that the system-determined b oot up defau l t is us ed :
IP version 4 unicast—192,000.
IP version 4 multicast—32,000.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines This command is only available on the Supervisor Engine 720.
Routes that exceed the specified number of routes are not installed in the hardware. Packets that take
those routes are switched by MSFC. The routes argument is a unit of 1,000 entries. Setting the routes
argument to 0 returns the system to a system-determined default value.
When no protocols are set, an initial default value is assigned for each protocol. When at least one
protocol is set, the default value for other unassigned protocols might change as the sy stem tries to assign
the remaining space to the unassigned protocols.
This command has the following characteristics:
Changing the setting takes effect only after rebooting the active supervisor engine. The change does
not take effect after a switchover.
The setting on the standby supervisor engine is synchroniz ed w it h th e ac tive supervi sor en gine . If
the standby supervisor is inserted, both the bootup setting and new setting, if existing, on the acti ve
supervisor engine are synchronized with the standby supervisor engine. The standby supervisor
engine uses the bootup setting to configure the FIB TCAM. The standby supervisor engine might
need to be reset if its original bootup setting is different from the bootup setting of the active
supervisor engine. An informational message (FIB_MAXROUTES_RESET) is printed on th e acti ve
supervisor engine console if this situation occurs.
To maximize the TCAM utilization, we recommend that you set the maximum routes for IP unicast
as a multiple of 16,000 and set the maximum routes f or IP mu l ticas t as a m ul tip le of 8,000 . The
internal allocation scheme uses 16,000 as the allocation unit for unicast and 8,000 as the allocation
unit for multicast. For example, if IP unicast is set to 1,000, 16,000 entries are reserved, but only
1,000 is allowed.
ip Specifies IP MLS.
ip-multicast Specifies IP multicasting MLS.
routes Number of routes that can be programmed in the FIB TCAM.