Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.4
Table A-1 defines the acronyms used in this publication.
Tab le A -1 Li st of Acr on ym s
Acronym Expansion
AAA authentication, authorization, accounting
AAL ATM adaptation layer
ACE access control entry
ACL access control list
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AFI authority and format identifier
AMP active monitor present
APaRT automated packet recognition and translation
ARP Ad dress Res olution Proto col
AS autonomous system
ASLB accelerated server load balancing
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BDD binary decision diagram
BER b au d error rat e
BES bursty errored seconds
BIA bottom interface adapter
BPDU bridge protocol data unit
BRF bridge relay function
BUS b roadca st and unknown server
CAM content-addressable memory
CDP C is co Discovery Pr ot ocol
CEF Cisco Express Forwarding
CLI command-line interface
CMM Communications Media Modu le
COPS Common Open Policy Service