Modbus 485 and Modbus IP Protocols - UPS Systems
Liebert® IntelliSlot® Modbus/BACnet IP 176
Bypass Nominal Voltage 30576 1 Units : VAC
System Input Nominal Voltage 3057 7 1 Units : VAC
System Input Nominal Frequency 30578 1 10 Units : Hz
System Output Nominal Voltage 30579 1 Units : VAC
System Output Nominal Frequency 3 0580 1 10 Units : Hz
Battery Cell Count - Lead Acid 3058 1 1 Uint16
Battery Cell Count-Nickel Cadmium 30582 1 Uint16
Output Apparent Power Rating 30583 1 Units : kVA
Output Real Power Rating 30584 1 Units : kW
Input Isolation Transformer 30585 1 0 = Not Installed
1 = Installed
System UPS Module Count 30586 1 Uint16
System Output Maximum Amp Rating 30587 1 Units : A AC
System Redundant UPS Modules 30588 1 Uint16
Device Status
Backfeed Breaker 30599 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
SBS Load Disconnect 30600 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Input Breaker 30601 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Trap Filter Disconnect 30602 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Output Breaker 30603 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Internal Bypass Breaker 30604 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Bypass Isolation Breaker 30605 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Maintenance Bypass Breaker 30606 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Maintenance Isolation Breaker 30607 1
0 = Open
1 = Close
2 = Not Installed
Output Series Static Switch 30608 1
0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Not Installed
Table 59 Liebert NXL™ - 50Hz, CE version (Models 48 and 49) - Input and Holding
Data Label Input Holding # of Reg Scale Notes/Units