Chapter 18 Version 1 ColdFire Debug (CF1_DEBUG)



Table 18-23. CPU Halt Sources (continued)






Halt Source

Halt Timing











Enters debug mode with XCSR[ENBDM, CLKSW] set. The full set of




BDM commands is available and debug can proceed.




If the core is reset into a debug halt condition, the processor’s response




to the GO command depends on the BDM command(s) performed while



Flash unsecure

it was halted. Specifically, if the PC register was loaded, the GO




command causes the processor to exit halted state and pass control to

BKGD held low



the instruction address in the PC, bypassing normal reset exception



processing. If the PC was not loaded, the GO command causes the

for 2 bus clocks



processor to exit halted state and continue reset exception processing.

after reset negated






Enters debug mode with XCSR[ENBDM, CLKSW] set. The allowable

for POR or BDM






commands are limited to the always-available group. A GO command to




start the processor is not allowed. The only recovery actions in this mode







Flash secure

• Issue a BDM reset setting CSR2[BDFR] with CSR2[BDHBR] cleared





and the BKGD pin held high




Erase the flash to unsecure the memory and then proceed with debug




Power cycle the device with the BKGD pin held high to reset into the





normal operating mode






The processor’s run/stop/halt status is always accessible in XCSR[CPUHALT,CPUSTOP]. Additionally, CSR[27–24] indicate the halt source, showing the highest priority source for multiple halt conditions. This field is cleared by a read of the CSR. The debug GO command also clears CSR[26–24]. Debug Serial Interface Controller (BDC)

BDC serial communications use a custom serial protocol first introduced on the M68HC12 Family of microcontrollers and later used in the M68HCS08 family. This protocol assumes that the host knows the communication clock rate determined by the target BDC clock rate. The BDC clock rate may be the system bus clock frequency or an alternate frequency source depending on the state of XCSR[CLKSW]. All communication is initiated and controlled by the host which drives a high-to-low edge to signal the beginning of each bit time. Commands and data are sent most significant bit (msb) first. For a detailed description of the communications protocol, refer to Section, “BDM Communication Details”.

If a host is attempting to communicate with a target MCU that has an unknown BDC clock rate, a SYNC command may be sent to the target MCU to request a timed synchronization response signal from which the host can determine the correct communication speed. After establishing communications, the host can read XCSR and write the clock switch (CLKSW) control bit to change the source of the BDC clock for further serial communications if necessary.

BKGD is a pseudo-open-drain pin and there is an on-chip pullup so no external pullup resistor is required. Unlike typical open-drain pins, the external RC time constant on this pin, which is influenced by external capacitance, plays almost no role in signal rise time. The custom protocol provides for brief, actively driven speed-up pulses to force rapid rise times on this pin without risking harmful drive level conflicts. Refer to Section, “BDM Communication Details,” for more details.

When no debugger pod is connected to the standard 6-pin BDM interface connector (Section 18.4.4, “Freescale-Recommended BDM Pinout), the internal pullup on BKGD chooses normal operating mode.

MCF51QE128 MCU Series Reference Manual, Rev. 3

Freescale Semiconductor


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Freescale Semiconductor MCF51QE128RM manual Background Debug Serial Interface Controller BDC