Starting an Engine
112 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
4. Disable the engine components you do not want to start.
By default, all components specified in your configuration file are enabled.
5. Click Start.
The governor, engine units, and database services are started, in that order.
If the primary engine unit remains offline, then the engine has not started
successfully. A typical reason for startup failure is that the database service has
failed to open a session with the engine database.
Ultimately, you may have to check engine component log files. The log file for each
component is written in the FORTE_ROOT/log directory of the node on which the
component is executing. This is not necessarily the node on which you are running
iIS Console.
Once an engine component has come online, you can access the log file directly
from within iIS Console, as described in Engine Log Files on page 210.
To start individual engine components
1. In the iIS Console main window, select the engine whose components you
want to start.
2. Choose Engine > Start. The Start Engine window displays (see previous page).
3. Deselect the engine components you do not want to start.
Examine the state icon of any component you want to start to ensure it is not
already online.
4. Click Start.
If an engine component is already running, you get an error message.
NOTE The engine might take some time to start. To check the status of the
engine, use the Engine > Status command as explained in
Monitoring Engines and Engine Components on page118. For a
quick indication of status, check the status indicator in the Start
Engine window (see indicator states in Main Viewing Panel on
page 69).