Starting Conductor Script
228 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
Unlike the iIS Console, however, you can use Conductor Script to perform system
management by building and executing predefined scripts of Conductor Script
commands. For information on building and executing Conductor Script scripts,
see Writing and Executing Scripts on page 232.
This chapter explains how to perform system management tasks using Conductor
Script. It provides a list of Conductor Script commands for various sets of tasks,
and in some cases provides d etailed step by step pro cedures. However, it does not
provide background and conceptual information offered elsewhere in this manual.
For a complete reference listing of all Conductor Script commands, refer to
AppendixA, Conductor Script Commands.

Conductor Script Help

Conductor Script provides an online help utility, which provides help for all
Conductor Script commands. At a Cscript prompt type Help to list all the available
commands. For help on a specific command, type Help plus the command. You
can also use wildcard characters to get help on groups of commands.
For information on the Help command, see General Conductor Script Operations
on page 231.
Starting Conductor Script
You can start Conductor Script on any node in your iPlanet UDS environment
where it has been installed.
To start Conductor Script on Windows or Windows NT
1. Double-click the Conductor Script icon.
2. Enter a valid password if one is requested (see SetPassword on page 300).
NOTE Some commands are associated with a particular engine component,
so help for those commands is only available when an engine or the
particular component is current.