Conductor Script Command Summary
Command | Arguments | Function | See… |
AbortActivity | process_id, | Place the specified activity in the | page 273 |
| activity_name | ABORTED state. |
AbortAllProcesses | Abort all process instances in the | page 274 | |
| current engine. |
AbortProcess | process_id | Abort the specified process | page 274 |
| instance. |
BroadcastMessage | message_text, | Send a message with the specified | page 275 |
| priority | priority to all sessions connected to |
| the engine. The priority is a text |
| string meaningful to the receiver. |
CommitTransaction | session_ID | Commits the | page 275 |
| transaction_ID | transaction for the specified |
| session or transaction ID. |
CompleteActivity | process_id, | Change the state of the specified | page 276 |
| activity_name | activity from ACTIVE to |
ConsultActivity | process_id, | Delegate the specified activity (in | page 276 |
| activity_id | the specified state) to consultant |
| state | users using the specified |
| consultation_rule | consultation assignment rule. A |
| return_rule | consultant session returns the |
| [user_name1] | activity using the return_rule |
| [other_info1] | assignment rule. The user name |
| [user_name2] | and other info strings are supplied |
| [other_info2] | if required by the consultation and |
| return assignment rules. |
CreateActivity | process_id, | Create an activity of the specified | page 276 |
| activity_name | name in the specified process |
| instance and place it in the |
| PENDING state. |
CreateFilter | time_interval | Create a filter for events posted on | page 279 |
| filter_expression | the current engine object which |
| conform to the specified filter |
| expression. |
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 267