Viewing Registrations for an Engine
Unregistering Aliases
At times you might want to unregister an alias from one or more engines, normally because those engines are no longer using it. You can unregister only one alias at a time.
➤To unregister an alias
1.Choose Environment > Aliases > Unregister. The Unregister Alias window displays:
Engine selection list
2.In the Alias name field, enter the name of the alias you want to unregister.
3.Select the engines from which to unregister the specified alias.
4.Click OK.
Viewing Registrations for an Engine
The registration procedures described in the previous sections let you perform registration and unregistration of iIS distributions on an
For any engine, you can view the user profiles, validation, assignment rule dictionaries, process definitions, and aliases that are registered with that engine. You can also unregister any distribution registered with the engine. In the case of process definitions, you can monitor all instances of a registered process definition.