Managing Process Execution with Conductor Script
➤To change the value of a process attribute
1.Display a list of attributes as described in Step 1 through Step 4 above.
2.Use the SetAttributeValue command to set the value of any listed process attribute.
➤To remove an attribute lock
1.Display a list of attributes as described in Step 1 through Step 4 above.
2.Use the RemoveReadLock command to remove a read lock, or the RemoveWriteLock command to remove a write lock.
Checking for Bottlenecks in Process Execution
➤To find a process bottleneck
1.Use the FindEngine command to make a particular engine current.
2.Use the ListActivities command to display a list of activity instances in the current engine.
3.Use the CreateFilter command to filter the list of activity instances by process name.
4.Use the ListActivities command to display a list of filtered activity instances.
5.Look for an activity name with more than an average number of instances.
6.Use the CreateFilter command to filter the list of activity instances by the suspected bottleneck activity name.
7.Use the ListActivities command to display a list of filtered activity instances.
8.Check the state of activities in the listing.
9.Use the ShowActivity command to display more information about each particular activity instance to determine what is causing the bottleneck.
Chapter 8 Using the Conductor Script Utility 255