Chapter 3

The iIS Console
This chapter describes the iIS Console, the iIS products window-based tool for
performing iIS process management tasks.
This chapter assumes that you have set up an iIS process management system and
have installed iIS process management applications (iIS Console and Conductor
Script) on at least one node in your environment.
This chapter covers the following topics:
overview of the iIS Console
starting the iIS Console
using the iIS Console window
navigating to other iIS Console windows
summary of menu commands


The iIS Console is the main system management application for performing iIS
process management tasks. The iIS Console has a graphical user interface, as
opposed to Conductor Script, which has a command line interface.
NOTE Neither the iIS Console or Conductor Script can be used to perform
backbone system management tasks. For information on backbone
system management, refer to the iIS Backbone System Guide.